Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hello! It feels good to be back to the world of blogging, although I must admit I did enjoy my time on my mini simple smattering break. But much like a good friend, simple smattering, absence has made my heart grow fonder for you. And I return with many fun things and much news to share.

Look! This is the news I have wondered how I was going to share. We are pregnant! I thought about leaving hints, or some creative picture but the truth is I just found myself delaying sharing the news because I couldn’t think of how I wanted to present it. So here is a picture of me, in the comfy glory of my university sweats and soft t. Point blank! This was taken last week, at 11 weeks, when the little bambino was a bit over an inch and a half long, about the size of a fig! I have decided that simple smattering will continue to be a place for my thoughts and passions, which includes the little peanut now.

Wes and I are thrilled at our surprise and feel honored to be pregnant. I have felt wonderful, except for a brief weekend stomach flu that left me wondering if that was “morning sickness”, but low and behold it passed after three days and I am back to feeling great. I could definitely use an afternoon nap, and I’ve actually thought about converting part of my desk into a nap corner-although my boss doesn’t seem to agree with that idea. Nevertheless, smells have become stronger than ever which poses a bit of an inconvenience at night when all I want is a pineapple popsicle. But in the midst of all of these minor symptoms, I find myself so thrilled to be experiencing them because it reminds me that this little baby is busy growing and forming! So while I wish I could take a nap in the afternoon, baby is growing a brain! I mean the comparison makes me realize I have it sooo easy!

So that is our news thus far and I will be updating based on baby news and life news as we continue on with this journey.


  1. I am so excited for you 2. You will be feeling little peanut very soon and that is the coolest thing ever. I love you and have missed seeing your face. Where do y'all live now? We are in York, PA near your old homestead. Well I will be praying for you and little baby. I hope to hear from you soon. - Brooke

  2. So as I was reading this I literally heard your voice in my head saying "baby is growing a brain!" and it made me smile. Congrats you guys, praying for your health and safety. What an exciting time!

  3. Joanna, i love your blog. i wish i could take credit for your sweet journaling. love reading your news. happy for you two. that little bambino is so blessed to be coming into your home. what fun! love you. mama maria

  4. congrats sister! you are too cute...

  5. You are inspiring. Cherish you!

    love love love

  6. Thanks for the sweet comments! It definitely makes blogging that much sweeter, so thanks :)
