currently, the little peanut is about 3 lbs and is bouncing around in my stomach like its an inflatable castle. i imagine she plays in there with no care in the world, except maybe “I wonder if Mom’s gonna eat garlic for dinner again” or “when will the next round of curious hands be touching Mom’s stomach and poking at me?” Other than that, I hope she is just happy go lucky enjoying her little bubble of a world. I must say that I have really enjoyed the increase in baby’s acrobatics and I just feel more and more connected to her everyday. I know that it has been nice for Wes and family to feel her moving since she has played somewhat of a mysterious role thus far. Its amazing to think that it only takes 30 weeks for a baby to be a little pod of life, like our little one. Its crazy and comforting for me to know that baby’s have been born at this stage and have survived, although I am encouraging a longer baking time!
SO with a bit of baby update given I must say that I watched The King’s Speech the other night with Wes and I was completely inspired by both the characters,
I was touched by the humility that Bertie displayed while he put his dignity on the shelf in order to conquer his stutter. I adored Lionel’s ability to treat Bertie like a normal human being and Lionel’s gift to be able to see him through the courageous strength and potential that Bertie had always possessed, just had never really believed. I loved the bravery and honesty that it took both men to display in order to fully benefit from the relationship.
It was a lovely reminder that meaningful relationships have messy spots and light and airy seasons, and then just plain hard spells and even those “run through a fresh field” wonderful moments. Up and down and down and up and here and there and frankly its quite possible that these relationships may always possess this “flitter fly all over the place quality”. BUT at the end of the day you know that relationship is good because that person looks at you through those, “I know who you really are” eyes and they just assure you that even when you have a bad day, or maybe even a bad year that they still believe the best about you. They remind you that you are not defined by your mistakes and mishaps, or solely by your greatest accomplishments and accolades. That with them, you don’t have to strive, you can just be. With them you realize that you can take a deep breath, sigh and rest. And with them that you really learn how to get up after you fall, to learn how to laugh in the midst of a rain storm, and with them you learn to see others the way they have seen you.
I like Elite Squad better than the sequel. There were some ideas in the second film that I’m sure they’ve taken from the first, especially the beginning, but the director probably said, if it’s not broken then don’t change it. I loved the brutality of the first film. It’s more toned down in the second but I think the first film focused more on the action and the sequel on the story. But nevertheless, they both are great films.Add movie showtimes to iGoogle