This blog is fueled by passion, frustration, and probably a good dose of preggo hormones. I am 33 weeks pregnant and have felt great thus far! Morning sickness wasn’t any more than a bit o’ nausea; 2nd trimester was like a music video for “wind beneath my wings”- like so incredibly energized and just pretty darn great, and now 3rd trimester has just felt unreal with the baby chica moving around a ton, and really feeling like this is real! Until last week, and frankly now I am struggling to keep a good attitude.
I had a routine baby check-up almost two weeks ago and had my Doctor look at a bug bite/bump-esque thing near my right shoulder. He didn’t show any concern, as he said it was only under the skin and would probably go away. Well, that little sucker just got angrier and angrier and finally so irritated by the following Friday that it was about as bright red as it could get before turning purple and about the size of a serious gumball. Wes insisted that my “doctoring” the bump by putting ice on it some days to reduce swelling and then later a hot tea bag to hopefully help calm the area, but that was not working and it WASN”T getting smaller. Ooh no, there was no calming this beast on my own… awesome. “Happy Saturday morning honey, lets go chill in an Urgent Care.”
Luckily our Urgent Care Doctor was so nice and gentle that, of course, I felt better. But not for long. After she poked and prodded at my arm, she said it was most likely an abscess that she would like to drain!!! Okay, I was light-headed at this point because the “A word” totally grosses me out, and I asked/ apologized for such a nasty morning appointment. She seriously smiled like the Cheshire cat at the exciting task that I provided her with, and she said these things happen randomly and that it was not a result of me being a funky human being. You know, like I am a clean, brush my teeth too often, shower twice a day kinda gal and I just freaked out a little to have something this nasty wrong with me. Uck.
Anyway, she performed my “mini-surgery” and my Hubby, the hero, was amazing. He watched and communicated with the Doctor in code as to mask any wiggy words that might cause me to faint, or worse flail. He comforted me in the sweetest, “your doing so great, honey” way, and really impressed me and even made me wonder if he was a doctor in his life before me. He has had to repack and redress my mrsa hole, all the while keeping everything in our place as sterilized as possible since this is nothing to sneeze at. Literally.
My biggest concern with all of this is not my mrsa getting worse and me kicking the bucket, BUT my concern has been the little peanut’s stomach flora and wanting to make sure that she is healthy. Wes is not real crazy about my major concern being stomach flora, and my minor concern being kicking the bucket but - I am a protective mama-bear right now and this has just confirmed that. Whole Foods recommended an incredible probiotic that has like 300 trillion living organisms to help replenish mine and baby’s flora and I’m serious this stuff feels alive when I swallow it. I have been faithful to my Greek yogurt and have been drinking this antioxidant packed drink called Cheribundi. My hope and prayer is that the little peapod will still be able to digest my breast milk normally, and that she doesn’t have lasting tummy issues.
All seems to be healing up well, speaking of my mrsa hole, but my heart is still a bit unsettled so your prayers are coveted. Thanks for reading about my icky ick, and hey just be glad I didn’t post a picture of it J
Jo!you crack me up with your "3trillion organisms" and your cleanliness....hilarious!you're cute!congrats on bebe!