Thursday, August 4, 2011

36 weeks, a bit of bed rest and chocolate chip blueberry muffins

A little update on how our little one is doing and the most recent news concerning this pregnancy thus far. I was put on bed rest at 35 weeks due to menstrual like cramping and abdominal pressure, my Doctor said he didn't want to play games and with that put me on a 2 week bed rest until 37 weeks. I haven't dialated, but am 50% effaced which he said is normal at this phase. I had my 36 week appointment yesterday and I was reassured to know that my "bed rest" has done some good. Our baby's head is still down and Dr. B estimates that she weighs about 6ish pounds now, guessing that she will be in the 7 pound region when she is born- we will see if that ends up being true :)

I have been reading The Help and thoroughly enjoying it and have found that although bed rest can be difficult, I enjoying the quiet relaxation that it has brought.

I am embracing all the help from my sweet hubs and family, as I know the blessing it is. I have gained 30 pounds and my face, feet and fingers are feeling rounder than before-thank you summer heat and chocolate chip blueberry muffins :). Pregnancy has been a sweet gift and I wouldn't give up this season for anything.


  1. jojo! love those pictures! You look great and ready to bring little girlie into the world. I can't believe she is around 6 pounds now! Hang in there and keep enjoying reading, relaxing, quiet and chocolate chips-you deserve it! Miss you at work!

  2. Won't be long!! =) I'm so happy for you two! She's going to be beautiful!
