Here is the new bambino. Our house bambino. It is not the same one whose hardwood floors I was raving about, but this one suites Wes and I better. Much better, although when I received the shady news form the other landlord that we should continue looking aorund, with no good reason why, I wasn't the happiest little chicky. This one is quirky, victorian and the upstairs apartment of this little beauty will be ours. I like that there is a gumby green house on one side and a house that looks like a cardboard box with windows on the other side. The gal that lives below has a lab named Fargo, which makes me happy. The staircase leading to the apartment upstairs is beaustiful and old and grand. Although there fails to be hardwood floors throughout the entire place, the kitchen and hallway have beautiful ones. I truly love this place and the potential it has. This will be our home for the next year, so welcome her gladly.
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