The colors. The smells. The sounds. The boots. and the fabulous latte flavors.
I love fall, and the cozy yet crisp feeling it brings. Wes and I started dating two years ago today, the first day of fall. Now it wasn't planned, like, "well, lets just wait to be bf/gf until the first day of fall, cuz then we could have our first outing to starbucks for pumpkin spice lattes, and i'll wear my super cute fall boots and you in that hat and.." No it wasn't like that. Although it has added an additional reason for me to smile, sigh and be glad I'm alive. This is my "new year's resoltuion" time, as it just feels like this season beckons me to ask the hard questions, evaluate and then to just sit back and be grateful. In celebration of fall, Wes and I had ourselves a little party. It began with a bike ride in the rain, followed by a mini game of football. The rain was so refreshing and the dramatic sky against the greenery was beautfiul. The scent of outdoors followed by the smell of autumn candles sprinkled around our apartment made me smile. We made cookies, ate leftovers while they were baking, and enjoyed the soundtrack from Pride and Prejudice, as it reminds us both of the season. We watched a fall(ish) flick and drank hot apple cider, and we just enjoyed an evening of warmth. It was brilliant.
So what makes fall special for you? Figure it out, and go do it! And even if it doesn't turn out like you thought, or isn't quite as idealistic as hoped, you at least created a memory. And memories with fall as their backsplash just make sense :)
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