Tuesday, April 5, 2011

19 weeks! I just can’t believe our baby is already 6 inches long from head to rump, growth is really going on in there. I flipped back in my journal to the week I found out I was pregnant, week 4, and the little peanut was the size of a lentil bean! I had a monthly appointment yesterday where we heard the heartbeat and our doctor said the little one sounded strong, and that his/her growth is normal. Thank God. I always love our appointments partly because our Doctor is so fun. He is very frank and matter of fact, but you can just tell he loves life and loves the process of bringing new lives into the world. He gets excited with us when we hear the heartbeat, or see the little papoose in the ultrasound. He is great.
We have our anatomy appointment next Friday but will not find out the sex until the following night!! This is like some serious suspense! Christmas when you were 9 and anxiously awaiting opening your gifts to see if you got “it” kind of suspense. I just know it will be BRUTAL when Doctor tells us to look away because he’s searching for the golden ticket! Wes and I will have to keep the goal of waiting for family in mind, because I can feel the temptation to just look at the screen beckoning. My parents are arriving the following Saturday and we will have a “find the sex out” party with them, along with my sisters and in-laws. Since my parents have been long distance for wedding planning, and now the first grandbaby, we have tried to think of creative and fun ways to include them. They have been incredibly gracious living in Austin, while we live life here, so that is why we will throw a party and make it twice the celebration! We will post pictures and of course the NEWS! I am beside myself excited, as I have no idea, inkling or even feeling about what this little one is! SO, we will let you know..
Lastly, I wanted to include this picture of my hubs and I on a walk the other night. And I wanted to say that I couldn’t be happier and more grateful to have a supportive and patient hubby for this journey. Really I am thankful for a supportive and patient hubby all the time, but I am reminded of it now when I cry, burp, laugh, vent and etc. more than before. Thanks W. xo

1 comment:

  1. sooo fun! you are teensy...which makes me angry with you. ha.
