Monday, September 20, 2010


The beautiful hardwood floors dwontown that I was raving about, remember those?!  Well they will look even better with our foot prints on them, because the apartment is ours!  Well as much as a can be yours, and btw totally joking about footprints on the hardwood Ter!  I had a quiet weekend with Wes up in the mountains with his Dad, and me cooped up with my thoughts.  And I definitely thought about every possible positive and negative thing associated with an old house.  I thought about all the things that make me love old homes, like: the character, and the unique windows, slanted ceilings and clawfoot tubs.  Ooh yeah, and the harwood floors.  And then I ventured to the side of possible problemos, like "what if the funky smell never quite goes away and all my collegues think I smell like a basement?" and black mold, etc?  So let me tell you, my mind wondered.  But I found myself comforted by knowing that its the corky things that make old house so great; and also a nice old man at Lowes who gave me a black mold lesson.  So we find ourselves the renters (in one month) of the 3rd floor, 7th door wonder.  Shes nice, and quite welcoming and answers to the name Jane.    

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about this for you and Wes! (minus the footprints on the hard wood floors, that is ;) You are going to do a great job making it your own, and I think it will really suit you. Plus, if the quirky things become uncomfortable things, you can move again! Can't wait to see it!
